Use These Google Power Search Commands!  Part 2

Hopefully you have already worked your way through Part 1 of the Google search tricks. This additional set of power search tricks will further improve your ability to find just what you are looking for on the vast World Wide Web. Take a few minutes to experiment with each of these search options, and you can further amaze and impress your friends with your search prowess!

♦ Search For An Exact Set of Words In the Title: – If you are looking for a web site or sites that contain a specific set of words in the title, use the search command allintitle: followed by the all the words you want Google to find in the title of a Web page. It is interesting that there is only one page on the vast World Wide Web, that contains these specific four words in the title (in no paticular order): “connect ssd drive for best”.Hot PC Tips - All In Title

♦ Search for a Set of Words In the Title and in Addition Other Words that are in the Body or the URL: – If you are looking for a Web Page or pages, that contain a specific set of words in the title and other words in the body or URL of the Web Page, use the search command intitle:.  This time the format is to place the words to be found in the body or URL first, followed by the search command intitle: with the words to be found in the title.

Hot PC Tips - In Title

♦ Search For Web Pages or Documents that Contain Numbers in the Specified Range: – If you are looking for a Web Page or pages, that contain numbers in a  a specific range, simply place any search words followed by two numbers seperated by two “.”‘s as shown below.Hot PC Tips - $..$

♦ Search For An Exact Phrase with a Missing Word:  – If you are looking for a Web Page or pages, that contain a specific phrase but with a missing word or words, simply use the “*” where the missing word or words would be.  As you can see below, I am searching for web pages that discuss keeping processors cool.  I will accept all types of processors and any word coming before the word “cool”.Hot PC Tips - WildCard

♦ Search For Web Pages with One of Two Words: – If you are looking for a Web Page or pages, that contain a two specific words seperate those words with “and”.  As shown below my search is for Web Sites that have the word “Porsche” and either 1950 or 1951.

Hot PC Tips - And

♦ Search For FILE TYPE: – If you would like Google to limit your search results to specific file types use the search command filetype:. In the example below I am looking for “pdf” documents dealing with installing thermal paste.

Hot PC Tips - File Type

Google usually ignores punctuation and grammar in the search box, however a few special characters are recognized in a Google search:

⇒ +  Use when Searching for Blood type:

Hot PC Tips - +

⇒ @  Use when Searching for Social Tags:Hot PC Tips - @

⇒ &  Use when Searching for Connected Phrases and Ideas:Hot PC Tips - &

⇒ %  Use when Searching for Percent Values:Hot PC Tips - percent

⇒ $  Use when Searching for Prices:Hot PC Tips - $

⇒ #  Use when Searching for Topics using Hashtags:Hot PC Tips - #

This should give you plenty to play with and practice today!

Click Here to jump back to the 1st Google Search Article!

You are now an official Google Search Power User… Go Forth and Search!