Go Ahead – Customize Your Windows Taskbar! You probably use the Windows taskbar every time you use your PC. Are you getting the most out of it? The taskbar can probably do more to improve your efficiency than any other single Windows tool, if you know it’s capabilities and use them to your advantage. Let’s take a quick look at some of the more common options! You can pin shortcuts
You Can Easily Tweak Your Send To Options We have all found the Right Click “Send To” options handy, but what if you would like to customize your “Send To” Options. You are in luck this can be done very easily.Before you customize the send to list, first you need to create shortcuts to the folder locations you your like added to your “Send To” option list. We will assume you all know that
You Can Change the Icon of Your Windows Shortcuts Sometimes you want to add a personal touch to a windows shortcut by changing it’s icon. Perhaps the icon just doesn’t fit, and you would rather have an icon that more closely matches the respective shortcut. Sometimes you are just tired of those boring folders. This process works for both Windows 7 and 8.X. Single icons are often stored in an .ico file.
Windows 10 Will be Here Soon – and FREE! Good news, Microsoft has announced that Windows 10 will be free for a year, if you are upgrading from Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows Phone 8.1. When you upgrade to Windows 10, you will have access to a all the features of the New OS including Cortana, universal apps, a seamless experience and ongoing support. Microsoft has identified three key areas for
An Easy Step to Prevent Google Chrome From Storing History The Google Chrome Browser has recently become the Web browser of choice for many Mac and PC users. It is fast and secure. There is one problem; unlike most browsers, Chrome has no user setting to prevent or automatically clear the browser history. Users can always manually clear the history, but this must be done manually and requires extra effort.